Phalaenopsis Orchids
Phalaenopsis Flasks, Seedlings & Stem Propagations
We are offering a wide variety of Primary Hybrids, Species and a several Multiflora and Spotted Hybrids in flask. We will begin to book orders for Phal. cornu-cervi f. chattaladae this summer.
We will be selling more seedlings from trays as we are discovering that many hobbyists want fewer plants than a flask or comm-pot; and we can provide a more continous supply than with flasks.
All Dean Stock's Stems are reduced to $25 each, and if you buy two, you get another free.
We are also removing the Michels stems from flask, and have posted prices for those that will be availale soon.
VISIT our new Selections Page for special selected, one of a kind plants.
Many are in flower now.
There are breeding plants, exhibition plants, divisions, species, mounted plants.
Great things, good bargains.
Visit the hybridizers forum for discussion, information and collaboration on hybridizing orchids.
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