Asahi image Copyright Evelyn Drew

Hybridizing with Phalaenopsis Species
by Bill Livingston

Phalaenopsis schilleriana

These plants have beautiful green mottled foliage similar to P. stuartiana, and flowers are about the same size. It has long, branching spikes of numerous light rose-pink flowers. Modem hybridizers have increased the size and shape of flowers, and have developed darker pink forms. Plants grown at sea level are much lighter in color than those grown at higher elevations because of the difference in temperature and light. Cooler growing conditions are needed to set flower spikes and produce blooms. Like P. stuartiana, it has a flat root system, and keikis can grow from root tips. Some flowers have a pleasant fragrance. The fragrance, branching and flower count are the Characteristics you want to breed into your hybrids, but to achieve fragrance in a hybrid may be a little problem. Choose a plant from one of today's selected clones to hybridize with. Remember, shape and substance can be bred in within a few generations. Get your color first and the other Characteristics you lack can be bred in within a few generations; although in some cases it will take longer. Sometimes you may be able to use clones with substance and shape in establishing the color. Keep in mind that P. schilleriana is a showoff when it comes to flowering on a large well-grown plant, and its high flower count can be passed on to its hybrids.

This article which has been reprinted here with permission, originally appeared in the Volume 66, Number 4 edition of Orchid Digest, (Oct-Dec 2002), which is a Special Edition that highlights Phalaenopsis, and also features an excellent article on Phal culture by the Tuskes. The Phalaenopsis Special Edition of Orchid Digest can be ordered from Orchid Digest for $22. Highly recommended.

This article, all of its sections and accompanying photographs
are copyright 2002 by Orchid Digest Corporation.

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Robert Bedard Horticulture • Scotts Valley, CA • (831) 439-9484
All content ©2005 by Robert Bedard. Last update: 12/10/05
Dtps. Asahi Image Copyright Evelyn Jenkins Drew