Asahi image Copyright Evelyn Drew

Hybridizing with Phalaenopsis Species
by Bill Livingston

Phalaenopsis micholitzii

Phalaenopsis micholitzii flowers are white to creamy white or greenish white, with an orange-yellow callus on the lateral lobes of the lip which is white and quite hairy, and the segments have heavy substance. P. micholitzii has very poor shape, and all the segments are either twisted or reflexed, although some clones have a pretty ice green color. They are very slow growing. Remember, plant vigor should always be considered as important in hybridizing. I would hybridize with some of the Taiwan crosses if I decided to introduce P. micholitzii into my breeding program.

This article which has been reprinted here with permission, originally appeared in the Volume 66, Number 4 edition of Orchid Digest, (Oct-Dec 2002), which is a Special Edition that highlights Phalaenopsis, and also features an excellent article on Phal culture by the Tuskes. The Phalaenopsis Special Edition of Orchid Digest can be ordered from Orchid Digest for $22. Highly recommended.

This article, all of its sections and accompanying photographs
are copyright 2002 by Orchid Digest Corporation.

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Robert Bedard Horticulture • Scotts Valley, CA • (831) 439-9484
All content ©2005 by Robert Bedard. Last update: 12/10/05
Dtps. Asahi Image Copyright Evelyn Jenkins Drew