Asahi image Copyright Evelyn Drew

Hybridizing with Phalaenopsis Species
by Bill Livingston

Phal lueddemanniana v. pulchra

Another species classified as P. lueddemanniana by the RHS Orchid Registration is P. pulchra. Its breeding characteristics are very different than those of P. lueddemanniana var. hieroglyphica and var. pallens. Its flowering period is usually during midsummer, July and August, whereas P. lueddemanniana generally blooms earlier in the spring. Its long inflorescences bear several flowers which are very distinctive, a uniform, brilliant, deep magenta-purple without transverse bars. The pigments are located in the tissue on the ventral surface of the sepals and petals in front while the backs of the petals and sepals are silvery white.

This article which has been reprinted here with permission, originally appeared in the Volume 66, Number 4 edition of Orchid Digest, (Oct-Dec 2002), which is a Special Edition that highlights Phalaenopsis, and also features an excellent article on Phal culture by the Tuskes. The Phalaenopsis Special Edition of Orchid Digest can be ordered from Orchid Digest for $22. Highly recommended.

This article, all of its sections and accompanying photographs
are copyright 2002 by Orchid Digest Corporation.

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Robert Bedard Horticulture • Scotts Valley, CA • (831) 439-9484
All content ©2005 by Robert Bedard. Last update: 12/10/05
Dtps. Asahi Image Copyright Evelyn Jenkins Drew